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This part contains the decrrees and the laws related to The Agency of the Harbours and Fishing Facilities (its creation, the operating conditions and the management, the administration...) :

. The APIP creation : Law N° 92-32 in April 7 th 1992.
. The harbours management , exploition, protection and safeguard : Law N° 2009-48 in July 8 th 2009.
. The Administrative and financial organization : Decree N° 92-2110 in Novembre 30 th 1992 modifying by the decree N° 99-660 in March 22 end 1999.
. The exercise of the harbour police : Decree N° 99-951 in April 30 th 1999.
. The royalties list : Order of the Minister of Agriculture and the Minister of Finance dated 26 February 2013, fixing the port charges for the benefit of the agency of the ports and fishing installations.
. The APIP organisation : Decree N° 2002-87 in January 21 th 2002.
. The fishing harbours list : Decree N° 2011-4609 in December 3 th 2011.
. The real duties : Decree N° 2003-1550 in July 2 nd 2003.
. The temporary occupation of the harbour public domain : Decree N° 2003-1984 in September 15 th 2003.
. The harbour public domain concessions : Decree N° 2003-2504 in December 9 th 2003.
. The Agency's agents uniforme : Order in May 6 th 1999.
. The fishing harbours type : Order in 30 th January 2004.


:: News ::

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* Réunion Conseil administration N 1-2015
* Réunion des chefs de ports 14 Mai 2015