This list provides many useful links to other web sites establishments linked to the fishing activities :

. The Tunisian government Portal : www.tunisie.gov.tn
. Ministry of Agriculture and Water Ressources and Fishing : www.agriculture.tn
. Remote Administrative Communication and Information System : www.sicad.gov.tn
. Portal of the Tunisian Agriculture : www.Agriportail.tn
. National observatory of Agriculture : www.onagri.tn

. Tunisian Union of Agriculture and Fisheries (UTAP) :
. Agricultural Research and Higher Education Institution : www.iresa.agrinet.tn
. Exports Promotion Center (CEPEX) : www.cepex.nat.tn
. The Agency for Promotion of Agricultural Investments (APIA) : www.apia.com.tn
. National Agency of Environment Protection (ANPE) : www.anpe.nat.tn
. National Institute of Marine Sciences and Technologies (INSTM) : www.instm.rnrt.tn
. Interprofessional Group of Fishing Products : www.gipp.tn


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* Réunion Conseil administration N 1-2015
* Réunion des chefs de ports 14 Mai 2015